General Interest

8 Staycation Ideas


A staycation involves staying at home for your break rather than using your time and money to leave town. But, it does not mean boring days spent in front of the computer or television. There are plenty of ways to keep busy for individuals and families alike.

A staycation is usually more relaxing than a holiday away from home as there is no packing and long drives, and it usually works out to be far easier on the wallet. The sole challenge tends to be finding things to do locally that make for a fun, relaxing and rejuvenating break.

Here are eight of our top staycation ideas:

1. Put together a recipe book using only locally-sourced ingredients. This will mean having to visit orchards, farmers’ markets, bulk suppliers and even neighbours with flourishing vegetable gardens for ingredients. Then, plan the meal, make it, take photographs and document the entire experience for a stunning recipe book keepsake.

2. Organise a neighbourhood barbecue social. Ask those that you know have different talents to be part of the entertainment, catering etc… For instance, if you know someone that plays guitar three doors away, ask them to play as people arrive. The old lady that makes guava preserves next door may be able to provide a delicious, different dessert. Include games and sports to encourage the youngsters (and, perhaps older ones) to get to know one another a bit better.

3. Volunteer at a local animal shelter, children’s home, hospital, or retirement village. Whether you paint the gutters, wash and walk dogs, do much-needed gardening, read to patients, or sew hems, you (as a family) will feel needed and fulfilled after a day of service to those less fortunate. This is an essential part of raising socially-aware children.

4. Visit your local aquarium, zoo, planetarium or museum to fill your days with wholesome learning that is far from boring. Arrange to join a tour group for a change and do not rush your experience.

5. Treasure hunts are always a hit and can be especially effective as they are cheap and easy, but suitably time-consuming. Arrange these in a park, grocery store, school field or even inside your own home. Think about your clues to make them interesting, but not too difficult, and try to make sure that the treasure is something really worthwhile.

6. Many towns have theme parks or water parks nearby. Pass an entire day being adventurous and joining the kids in having rides, splashing around and being just plain silly. You will feel revitalised and refreshed, no matter how long your list of things to do is once you get back to work.

7. If your dream family holiday is to an iconic place like Paris or the Amazon, make it a family project to decorate the entire house in themed goods. For example, hang rubber snakes from everywhere, move big pot-plants indoors to create a jungle effect and give everyone binoculars and comfy walking shoes while inside. Consider throwing a themed party and inviting friends and family to share in your fantasy vacation.

8. Explore your home town as if it is your first time there. Do tours, sample local cuisine, watch street musicians with renewed appreciation, use public transport, and so on.